Cursos Internacionais PPGBB

Os Cursos Internacionais PPGBB têm como objetivo intensificar o desenvolvimento da internacionalização e a excelência da educação no Programa de
Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia, e contribuir para o processo de internacionalização da pós-graduação stricto sensu e da ciência, tecnologia e inovação.

Course open for enrollment

Course open for enrollment - Shortly

Entre em contato conosco

Cursos ministrados

Coordenador – Fabio Passetti

Prof. Colaborador Dra. Lucía Spangenberg e do Dr. Hugo Naya do Institut Pasteur de Montevideo

C.H: 24 horas

Período de Realização: 22 a 24 de novembro de 2022

Horário: 3.ª e 6.ª feiras, das 13 às 15 horas


– Dia 1: Introdução a sequenciamento de nova geração (NGS, do inglês Next-Generation Sequencing); mapeamento e análise de qualidade usando Linux e R; e mapeamento com calibragem de dados de sequenciamento de exomas completos (WES, do inglês Whole Exome Sequencing).

– Dia 2: Identificação de polimorfismos genéticos; tipos de variantes genéticos e análise de qualidade; e aula prática com o software GATK para identificação de polimorfismos genéticos em dados de WES.

– Dia 3: epidemiologia aplicada à genética; genômica populacional; e exercícios com discussão de casos

Coordenador: Tatiana de Arruda Campos Brasil de Souza

Prof. Colaborador: Dra. Helen Cristina Miranda

CH: 30 horas

Período de Realização: 24 – 28 de outubro de 2022

Horário: 09:00 -17:00



Modulo I
Disponível a partir de 17/10/2022: aulas teórico-pratica sobre; utilização   de   programas   de   visualização   e   manipulação   de   estruturas   tridimensionais com o pymol, chimera, etc. Análise de interação proteína-proteína. Programa online para modelagem de estrutura  tridimensional.

Modulo II
24 de outubro – aulas teóricas sobre conceitos básicos de células-tronco, isolamento, cultivo, caracterização e diferenciação de células-tronco adultas e pluripotentes.

26 de outubro de 2022 – How to model neurological diseases using 2D and 3D human stem cell cultures.

Invited professors

  • Adam C. Smith – University of Toronto
  • José-Mario Capo-Chichi – University of Toronto
  • Hubert Tsui – University of Toronto

Invited professors

  • Adam C. Smith – University of Toronto
  • José-Mario Capo-Chichi – University of Toronto
  • Hubert Tsui – University of Toronto
Provide students with an overview of the classification of hematological malignancies and the techniques capable of detecting the genetic alterations associated with these diseases.
  • Understand the updated classification of hematologic malignancies launched in 2022 by the World Health Organization and the International Consensus Classification.
  •  Discuss the differences and problems related to the diagnosis of these diseases.
  • Review the use of cytogenetics and cytogenomic techniques to detect structural variants. Understand and apply the International Standard for Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN) in practical cases and scenarios. Review cytogenetic techniques related to diagnosis.
  • Review the techniques used in Molecular Genetics laboratories.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques.
  • Use the acquired knowledge in specific objectives 1-3 for application in practical cases and scenarios.
  • Discussion of testing approaches in “resource-rich” and “resource-poor” environments. Investigate new applications for genetic testing in Onco-Hematology, including proposing hereditary leukemias and other special topics.

Part 1

  • Basic concepts of Biology of Cancer and Hematological Neoplasms: 8 hours
  • Genomic Basis of Hematological Neoplasms: 4 hours
  • WHO and ICC classification of Hematological Neoplasms: 4 hours

Part 2

  • Cytogenetic and Molecular Methods Molecular Nomenclature (HGNC): 2 hours
  • Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN) : HGNC and ISCN Nomenclature Workshop : 4 hours

Part 3

  • New Generation of Biomarker Testing and characterization of Acquired Hematologic Neoplasms Using NGS: 4 hours
  • Optical genome mapping (OGM) applied to Hematological Neoplasms: 4 hours
  • Workshop – Case examples with report using mock NGS and GMO results: 4 hours
  • Additional Topics of Interest: What is CHIP and CCUS (Clonal Hematopoesis of Interdeterminant Potential and Clonal Cytopenia of Undetermined Significance): 2 hours
  • Hereditary Predisposition to Hematologic Neoplasms:  Case Discussion: 4 hours

The aim of this workshop is to give some tips and tools to researchers interested in studying the structure-function relationships in macromolecules and macromolecular complexes. To get a deep understanding of a biological process, an integration between biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics and structural biology is important. It is also important to stress the fact that one cannot be expert in each and every field, but each expertise is important to build the puzzle. Nevertheless, having an idea of which are the possibilities, and the possible pitfalls of several techniques will be fundamental to choose the right collaboration and to better follow their approaches and results. Therefore, I shall present some of the techniques with specific examples, also in relationships with the possibilities offered by Synchrotrons.


Responsible teacher

Adriana Erica Miele – teacher of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Lyon,



  • The theoretical classes will be offered in a hybrid format only for participants outside of Curitiba.
  • The practical class will be limited to 18 participants. Those interested in the practical class should indicate their intention by sending a text justifying their interest.


Registration for the practical class –

Monday October 30th 2023

9:00-10:30 – Integrative structural biology

An introduction on the different methods that can be used to gain structural information on macromolecules, with emphasis on Microscopy (super resolution, atomic force and electron microscopies), NMR,  crystallography and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)

11:00-12:30 – cryoElectron Microscopy (cryoEM)

A quick tour on the theory and practice of EM, including sample preparation and a few examples of applications.



14:00-15:30 – Tutorial on SAXS

EMBL-Hamburg offers the package ATSAS for data analysis online as well as for download. The tutorial will show how to analyse protein SAXS data and which information can be obtained.


Tuesday October 31st 2023

9:00-10:30 – How to read a structure paper: a hitchhiker guide for non structuralists

Seeing is believing, but which are the possible pitfalls to avoid if you are not a specialists? A guided tour on a few examples.

11:00-12:00 – When structure meets function (or not)

Schistosoma mansoni is a complex multicellular parasite and an interesting biological puzzle, needing a multi-technical approach to be tackled.